Upcoming Speaking Engagement at B.C. Tourism Industry Conference

Facebook/BC Tourism Industry Conference

On October 21, I'll be at the British Columbia Tourism Industry Conference to give a talk about building relationships with the media. Also sitting on the panel will be Explorer Media publisher Dave Peterson, Northwest Travel Magazine editor Allen Cox, and travel writer Nancy Mueller. Check out the full description here:

B-2 - Building Solid Relationships with Travel Media
Wednesday, Oct 21, 2015 
9:45 am - 10:45 am 
How do you get on--and stay on--travel media's radar? Join this panel of travel media industry leaders and get the inside scoop on how to venture beyond the press release, how to compete for and sustain media attention, and what current reader trends drive the most relevant content.
Also learn crucial information about the state of print and digital spaces that can influence intelligent marketing decisions. 

The B.C. Tourism Industry Conference will be October 19-21, 2015.


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